A hive of workshop activity

The Forresters Beach Retirement Village community has been busy tinkering away since their brand new workshop opened in August 2016.

Forresters Beach workshop

Resident Henry Luszczynski said he was very pleased with the work area and that 27 residents already use the workshop on a regular basis.
“It’s a great space and there’s also a separate kitchenette so that any resident can visit the workshop and have a coffee or a chat without being in the work area,” Henry said.
“We’ve also formed a Workshop Committee that includes fellow residents Peter McCarthy and Paul O’Dwyer to ensure workplace health and safety is upheld.”
“Before anyone is able to turn on a machine, they have to go through an induction process.”
The committee, under the direction of resident Tom Arrowsmith, built the work benches, timber storage racks and shadow boards.
Since then the crafty woodturners have also produced picture frames, padded seats, footrests, noticeboards and library bookshelves.
“We have also made doll display stands and a knitting needle tray for the village craft group,” Henry said.
“Our next project is to make small wooden toy cars and donate them to local charities.”

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