Top tips to make the move

While the prospect of sorting through a lifetime of possessions and memories might seem overwhelming, we’ve put together a list of handy tips to make the process easier.

Clear the clutter

Decluttering might just seem like the latest buzzword, especially given the success of Marie Kondo’s books and her Netflix show about tidying. But there’s real merit to sorting through your possessions and getting rid of clutter. This is even more true if you’re thinking of moving home or considering retirement living.

Research shows that clutter can affect mental wellbeing and add to feelings of stress. On the flipside, clearing out things you no longer need or want can be intensely liberating.

Here’s how:

Keep your focus narrow

Don’t tackle the whole house at once, but deal with one room, cupboard, or zone at a time.

Start small

It’s far more effective to consistently set aside 15 minutes a day than attempt to sort through years of memories in one weekend.

Enlist help

Ask professionals, family, or neighbours to lend a hand.

Store no more

If you have kids, no matter how grown up they are, chances are you’ve been storing something in your garage for years. Now’s the time for the kids to pick up their possessions.

Give it away

If you have items you find hard to throw away, consider giving them to charity.

Not only will this decluttering process simplify your life and evoke feelings of calm, but it can make moving house seem much more manageable. What’s more, your real estate agent will probably find it far easier to get a great price for the family home if it’s streamlined and clutter-free.

For more tips on decluttering, click here.

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