Bringing warmth to families in need

Bartonvale Gardens Retirement Village residents Jenny, Valerie, Anne, Lorna & Madge
Every week, a group of talented ladies meets in the Bartonvale Gardens Retirement Village community centre to chat and knit clothes for those less fortunate.
Group member, Valerie says there is a lot of homeless people living rough in Adelaide including whole families who cannot afford to pay rent let alone buy new clothes for their children.
“Initially our craft group was a social get-together and then we started knitting scarves and sent them to the charity called the Moore Street Day Centre. Soon after, I received a call from Sister Janet Mead, the founder of the charity, to thank us for the scarves. She was so genuine and I thought ‘this is a worthwhile cause to become involved with’,” Valerie says.
The crafty residents, Betty, Val B, Jenny, Valerie, Anne, Lorna and Madge knit beautiful woolen scarves and blankets and have since added children’s jumpers to the repertoire.
“The winter woolies help to keep the children warm, especially now that the chill has set in.”
Valerie says she has always enjoyed craftwork and since arriving at Bartonvale four years ago, likes to keep her hands busy with something to do.
“We call our group ‘craft and chat’ and lately a few of the menfolk have joined us in the community centre. They don’t knit but they love to sit and chat and enjoy each other’s company.
“I think we all enjoy meeting in the community centre because it’s quite homely with big windows that catch the sun which is lovely in the winter months.”

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