When is the right time to move into a retirement village?

If you’re considering moving into a retirement village you may be wondering when the right time would be to make the move. The best age or stage of retirement to move into a retirement village varies for each individual and will depend on your personal circumstances and preferences. Retirement villages typically cater to older adults who are looking for a community-focused lifestyle, plus care and support in their senior years. Many people consider moving to a retirement village when they no longer want the responsibilities of maintaining a large home or when they’re looking for a more socially active and secure environment. Others may be are starting to think about the future and what their future care needs may be or simply are looking for a more mobility-friendly living  environment.

According to the Property Council Retirement 2022 census, the average age of someone that enters a retirement village in Australia is 75 years and the average age of a resident is 81 years.

Home maintenance

Maintaining a large family home can become a burden as we age. There are the constant repairs, garden care, not to mention cleaning multiple bedrooms and bathrooms. Yet the family home can hold a lifetime of memories and be in the community someone is used to, so many people can be reluctant to give that up.

There are steps to keep you living in your family home for longer, such as minor renovations to make the home more age friendly and getting help with the gardening and cleaning. However, if looking after a large home is getting just too much, it may be time to start thinking about downsizing and life in a retirement village may be the right choice for you.


There may come a time when your home doesn’t feel as safe as it once was, with uneven floors and many levels or stories, tiles and old carpet all posing a risk of having a serious slip, trip or fall. If this sounds familiar, it could be time to reconsider your living arrangements and a retirement village could be a good option.

Social life

For many older Australians, loneliness and social isolation can be a major concern. In fact, loneliness is linked to increased mental and chronic health issues. Often when someone finds themselves unexpectedly alone, whether it’s due to the death of a spouse, being away from friends or family, a reduction in mobility or a lack of transportation when they give up driving, they are at a higher risk of loneliness. From our residents’ experience these events could be the time to consider moving to a retirement village.

Retirement villages will have organised social, sporting and leisure activities that residents can take part in if they’d like to. Being in a community of people in the same stage of life also means there are opportunities for incidental socialising and having a familiar face around.

The safety and security of living in a community

Many older people have spent years in their home and community, sometimes they may realise that the community is no longer around them anymore. Once there was a time where they knew everyone in the street and could pop in for a cuppa, now they barely recognise a face to wave to.

If this is you, moving to a retirement village could give you the opportunity of living in a community of like-minded people who are in the same stage of life. Many of our residents tell us that they like remaining independent and having a private life, but also feel safe knowing that there are neighbours and a village team who look out for them.

Care needs

As we get older, there will come a time when we need some extra care and support. That doesn’t necessarily mean residential aged care or a nursing home, a retirement village can offer independent living with access to care when you need it.

In RetireAustralia retirement villages, residents have access to in-home care services from our own team or trusted local partners. Home Care support includes help with household chores, meal preparation, showering, dressing, and medication support, plus more.

Some villages also offer serviced apartments, which are perfect if your care needs are increasing, and you want to continue living an independent lifestyle. In a serviced apartment, you can come and go as you please with the benefit of having cleaning, linen laundry and meals taken care of.

A change in care needs or a realisation that you want to be somewhere where your care needs can be taken of is often a catalyst for people to consider moving to a retirement village.

Making the move

Whatever your reason, when considering retirement living, it’s advisable to research different retirement villages, consider your financial situation, and consult with family and professionals to determine when the right time is for you.

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Our villages

With 29 unique locations across three states, RetireAustralia's communities cater to a range of needs and preferences.