It’s starting to look a lot like Christmas

2020 Christmas decorating competition winners

At night you can probably see our villages from space, their Christmas decorations are so bright! ✨🎄

Earlier this month, our leadership team had great fun judging our annual Village Christmas Decorating Competition. There were 16 spectacular entries and one winner was to be crowned. But our judges were so blown away by the entries that they couldn’t select a winner. Instead, they selected two!

They chose Belrose Country Club for their impressive Christmas lights and Bartonvale Gardens for their creative Australiana inspired Christmas decorations. Congratulations to our talented residents and teams! Each village has won $250 which will be presented to their chosen charity in the New Year.

But all our villages deserve to be celebrated. Thank you to the residents and RetireAustralia team who put in such an incredible effort to make the end of 2020 sparkle. From city to coast, countryside to the seaside, retirement communities in Adelaide, Brisbane, Bundy, Coffs, the Central Coast, Sydney, Toowoomba and Wagga twinkle with Christmas lights and colourful decorations.

Our villages

With 29 unique locations across three states, RetireAustralia's communities cater to a range of needs and preferences.